The most important figure of Polynesian mythology is Maui. In Tonga he is said to have created islands and erected monuments, his supernatural powers are legend. And he is the source of vital natural resources - how the coconut was given to the humans is another of many stories linked to this cultural heroe. Maui created order out of chaos.
To be like Maui, clever and couragoues, is still an ideal for Polynesians today. In Samoa's capital Apia young Esau Schaffhausen is accompanied while facing a challenging decision: getting the Pe'a, the traditional Samoan tattoo. Many elements of the tattoo that by the end of a week will cover great parts of his body, are linked to the stories and deeds of Maui.
Third part of a 5 part series on Pacific myths and cultures, produced for German television.
2005 - Ethnofilmfest Berlin (
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