This film portrays Minnette Vari, a leading South African artist who always works with their own body, documenting, altering and irrealizing her performances with video.
Vári is deeply fascinated by objects and their (hi-)stories. Both have and will always be there but undergo constant metamorphoses. She shows with various techniques and aesthetic strategies that human memory and concepts of heritage are constantly in flow. At the same time, however, her approach is platonic in that she sees herself as a tool for these objects and stories to reappear.
Minnette Vari: "Finding things to me is very important. I love serendipity, I love happening upon something. On the other hand, however, finding is more like retrieving. Everything already exists. I have the strange notion that even the art work that you are about to make is already existing in some other realm."
Produced in the context of the research project media art and the dynamics of contemporary art worlds in Johannesburg and Luanda, funded by the Federal German Research Foundation (DFG), 2010.