Projects > Multimedia & Installation > O Mundo em Imagens I

O Mundo em Imagens I

O Mundo em Imagens I

This trilingual DVD-edition O Mundo em Imagens - Filmes do Arquivo do Instituto Nacional de Audiovisual e Cinema (dt: Bilderwelten - Filme aus dem Archiv des INAC / engl: Views of the World - Films from the Archive of INAC) contains a selection of important productions from Mozabiquan film history, to make the available to a broader public. For already in the 1970s and 1980s it wa the aim of the INC, the Instituto Nacional de Cinema predecessing the INAC, to produce images from and about Mozambique and thus to strengthen the country's own cultural history and to enable its contribution to the intercultural dialogue.

These films are a first selection to provide insight into the archive. The newscast Kuxa Kanema was decisive at the time. Furthermore, the documentary which is so essential to the film history of the country is represented by the film Canta meu irmao. With Mueda - memória e massacre the innovative potential - with its orientation towards the feature film - of the work on films at that time becomes clear, which last but not least is to be attributed to the international dialogue of the film makers who met in Mozambique.

This extended DVD-edition was comissioned by the university of Bayreuth and funded by the program "Kulturerhalt" (Preservation of cultural heritage) of the Federal Foreign Office in cooperation with the German Embassy in Maputo, Mocambique. It is an cooperation between INAC, the department o Romance Studies of the university of Bayreuth (under the direction of Prof. Dr. Ute Fendler), the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, and ICMA (Instituto Cultural Mocambique-Alemanha), Maputo.

For all questions regarding this DVD, including purchase information, please contact Prof.Dr. Ute Fendler at Bayreuth University. Prof. Fendler is the initiator and research coordinator of this project.

Arcadia Filmproduktion was responsible for the DVD-production: project-coordination, digitization, digital film-restoration, subtitling and revision; the layout was created by Bettina Grünert,

DOWNLOAD here the trilingual booklet of this production

Coordination, digitization, digital film-restoration, subtitling, revision and layout. Commissioned by the University of Bayreuth, funded by the Federal Foreign Office